
In keeping us both safe within face to face sessions, we sit socially distanced during our counselling session, hand sanitizer or hand washing facilities are available. I sanitize all area between counselling sessions. I will provide you with water and offer a hot drink, although you are welcome to bring your own.

Online and telephone counselling are also available.

Thank you for your understanding.


What happens in our first session?

Our first session, like all other sessions will be for 60 minutes, and will include our 'counselling agreement'. Our first session is to talk about what is going on for you, to enable understanding of the issues you wish to explore and what you hope to gain from counselling. In this time you can consider whether you feel comfortable with me as your counsellor, and whether my way of working feels right for you, because finding a counsellor you feel comfortable with is important to the therapeutic relationship.


What if I cannot make it to a session?

I do require 24 hours notice if you cannot make it to your session, otherwise you will be charged for the full session. If I have to cancel, I will ensure another session is booked on a day and time agreed by us both, at no extra cost to you.


Is counselling confidential?

Yes it is. What you talk about will remain between the two of us. There are exceptions to this, which will be discussed with you in the first session. But in most circumstances, what you talk about will remain within the confines and professional boundaries of our therapeutic relationship.


How many sessions will I need?

People may change at different paces. Therapy can last anywhere from one session, to several months or even years. It depends on what your needs are. The process proceeds at your pace, in my experience therapy works best when you are ready and committed to making yourself and your needs a priority.


Any other questions?  Please get in touch by phone or email

"it isn't where you came from, it's where your'e going that counts" - ella fitzgerald